Seeing a Dentist in Trumbull CT for Immediate Implantation

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Dentist

Immediate implantation is when a dental implant is placed in the same session with the tooth removal (or at most 1-2 days later). However, this requires appropriate anatomical aspects, good general patient health, and excellent bone quality. Only a reputable Dentist in Trumbull CT should perform this type of procedure.

Crucial aspects of implantation

When it comes to installing a dental implant, not only is bone height and width important, but the quality of the bone substance is also crucial. Note that, after the removal of a tooth, there is only a hole in the jawbone instead of the tooth root. And, in the case of a possible cyst, there is also inflammation exactly where the dental implant is inserted.

If the bone at the surgical site is not stable enough for immediate implantation, it is in the patient’s own interest to wait 2-4 months for the jawbone to completely regenerate. Even riskier is an immediate loading implant. Specialists advocate safe, risk-free solutions and only rarely perform immediate implantation. This procedure is performed under the strict condition that bone availability, bone width, bone height, and bone quality are appropriate.

Dentists advise against the immediate loading method because of the increased risk of implant loss. This is why consultations with a Dentist in Trumbull CT are so important.


After the first procedure (when the dentist inserts the implant body), a healing period of 3-6 months is required before the artificial dental crown is placed. This healing period ensures the implant is firmly anchored in the jaw and, thus, a crown can later be placed. In order to visually close the gap in the meantime, a temporary prosthesis can be made.

The successful insertion of an implant, first and foremost, requires a stable jawbone. If the patient does not have a strong enough jaw, bone-building measures may help. Also, there is an increased risk of complications in certain diseases and in the regular use of certain medications.

These issues include periodontitis, diabetes, blood coagulation disorders, leukemia, immune disorders and addictions, especially drug addiction. Understanding what the procedure is and what all it entails is very important to the success of the patient’s treatment. Visit our website for more details.

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