Signs Dental Care in Kittanning, PA is Needed

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Dental Care

A friend in need, demanding job, young children-;there are several things that may cause a person to avoid seeking dental care in Kittanning PA. However, there are a few symptoms that are going to let a person know it’s time to seek care before things get worse. Keep reading to find out what these signs of a problem are.

Bleeding After Flossing or Brushing

Blood on a person’s toothbrush or in the sink isn’t something that’s normal. It may mean that a person is developing gum disease, which is also called periodontal disease. When this problem occurs, it means that the tissues that hold the teeth in place are infected. If the condition goes on untreated, gum disease may progress and cause bone loss around the teeth and, eventually, the loss of teeth.

Receding Gums

Sometimes, gum recession is a normal part of getting older. In fact, 88 percent of people over the age of 65 experience some type of recession around at least a single tooth. However, the recession is often a sign of gum disease, too. Regardless of the cause, retreating gums may begin to expose the roots of the teeth, which increases the likelihood of tooth loss, pain, infection, and the risk of decay.

Dry Mouth

When a person’s mouth is healthy, it’s well lubricated with salvia, which helps to remove food particles and to neutralize the acids that are created by plaque. If a person’s mouth feels extremely dry, it may be a sign of an illness. A dentist can figure out what is causing the dry mouth and provide suggestions on how to restore the proper moisture levels and to help protect the health of a person’s teeth.

Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by seeking dental care in Kittanning PA if any of the issues listed here are seen. If they are, it’s important that this treatment is sought in a timely manner to prevent the issue from getting worse and causing even more problems. Additional information about dental care and when it is needed can be found by contacting the team at Quad County Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.

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