Seeing an Oral Surgeon in Mount Vernon IL for an Extraction

by | May 10, 2017 | Dentistry

When a tooth gets to a point where it cannot be repaired, it must be removed – this is known as tooth extraction or oral surgery. Teeth can be extracted to create more space in the mouth for orthodontics (braces) as well. Wisdom teeth are routinely removed as they contribute to infection and an over-population of the mouth. If the nerve of a tooth is damaged, but if the amount of tooth structure over the jawbone is minimal, the tooth may still need to be removed. What other things should a person know before seeing an Oral Surgeon in Mount Vernon IL?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. If a wisdom tooth has space in the mouth and functions like the other teeth without problems, then the Oral Surgeon in Mount Vernon IL may tell the patient that their wisdom teeth can remain. Sometimes wisdom teeth that are under soft tissue (the gum) or hard tissue (bone) can be problematic and, thus, they are extracted. These teeth can allow for infection and/or crowding.

A routine tooth extraction consists of removing a tooth from its designated spot. It is removed with a local anesthetic and with instruments called forceps. These dislodged teeth are essentially detached and then removed. A complex tooth extraction is designed to remove teeth with curved roots. This usually requires cutting through the gum and releasing a portion of the jawbone, thus, removing the tooth. These teeth must be cut in sections before being removed. Stitches are usually placed after this extraction.

The aftercare of an extraction fundamentally important. A blood clot is crucial to the success of aftercare. Patients are told not to drink with straws, spit, flush, or smoke for 24 hours after an extraction. Exercising is also not recommended for 3 to 5 days after an extraction. Eating after an extraction is sometimes a challenge too. Soft food is recommended for the first 2 days. Chewing from the collection site is important as well. Brushing your teeth is crucial, but not until the area has fully coagulated. The soft tissue around the removal site generally closes up in about 10 days. Most of the jawbone will fill in the hole where the tooth was in about 6 weeks, and this process is completed in about 6 months. It is important to treat infections as they occur. Browse the site to learn more.

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