A Practitioner of Family Dentistry in Ocala Helps Patients With Prevention and Treatment of Gum Disease

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Dentistry

Gum disease is the result of poor oral hygiene practices or bad habits. Areas between the teeth must be cleaned daily with dental floss, and teeth must be thoroughly brushed at least twice a day. A certain amount of plaque on the teeth will harden into tartar even with these precautions, but the problem can be minimized with routine oral hygiene activity. Every six months at a clinic for family dentistry in Ocala, the person can have a dental hygienist remove the tartar with specialized equipment.


Tartar tends to accumulate where the teeth and gums meet. Before plaque hardens into tartar, it’s a sticky material that can easily be brushed and flossed away. Both plaque and tartar are irritating to the gums. Plaque harbors bacteria that causes a low level of tissue inflammation. Medically known as gingivitis, this inflammation is the first stage of gum disease.

Tobacco Usage

One of the worst habits as a risk factor for gum disease is regular tobacco smoking or chewing. Especially when the tobacco user is not vigilant about caring for the teeth, the products can cause more serious gum disease than gingivitis. The gums start pulling away from the teeth, and the disease damages the harder structures beneath the soft tissue. Tooth loss can even occur. Statistics indicate that about half the people who smoke have gum disease.

Signs of Gingivitis

Signs of early-stage gum disease include frequent bleeding when brushing and flossing, along with puffy areas in the soft tissue. The gums may appear redder than normal in certain places. If the person doesn’t use tobacco and already has a good oral hygiene routine, adding a bacteria-killing mouthwash to the regimen may improve the situation.

Getting Help

Any signs of gum disease should be addressed by a practitioner of Family Dentistry St. Albert. If the problem has progressed beyond the early stage, the dentist may begin treatment at the clinic or refer the patient to a periodontist, depending on how serious the disease has become. Nobody should delay setting an appointment due to embarrassment; dentists are devoted to helping their patients with compassionate care. Visit the website to learn more about Exceptional Dentistry and Sedation Center.

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