Just Got Your First Set of Dentures? Here’s How To Take Care of Them

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Dental

Your new dentures have arrived, and they are a perfect fit. Along with getting used to them, it’s important to learn how to care for them properly. Here are a few tips that will help you get started. With the right approach, you can look forward to enjoying years of service from those dentures from a Plano dentist.

Begin With a Quality Dental Adhesive

One of the first things you should learn is that the right dental adhesive is important for more reasons than making sure the plates don’t slip out of position while you’re talking. In a sense, they play a role in making sure the dentures are not damaged. By creating a hold that’s strong enough to keep them in place all day, the potential for a plate to slip out and land on a hard surface is kept to a minimum.

Be Particular About How You Brush Your Dentures

You should brush your dentures at least once a day. When doing so, use a brush with softer bristles. You also want to keep a towel on the lavatory while you brush. If the dentures should slip out of your hand during the brushing, the towel will prevent them from landing on hard porcelain or tile.

Remember That Soaking Denture Plates at Night Is Good for Them

You should soak your dentures from a Plano dentist every night. This helps to keep them from drying out. As a result, they’re more comfortable to put in each morning and the plates will last longer. The right denture solution will also remove residue that remains after you brush. The result is that the plates look their best and feel fresher in your mouth.

Could you use more ideas on how to take care of those new dentures? Our team at Lone Start Dental Care is happy to help. Give us a call or visit their website today to schedule an appointment and sit down with one of our experts. Together, we’ll make sure you get the most benefits from those new dentures for a long time.

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