Get The Facts About Dental Crown in Aurora

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Dentist

When it comes to severe dental decay or damage, there are quite a few methods of repairing or replacing the teeth in question. In most cases, a Reno area resident will be able to get a tooth fixed by simply getting a cavity filled if the damage is not too severe. Unfortunately for many patients, once the tooth has a cavity, it starts to decay rapidly and lose its strength. Enamel is a strong material, but it can quickly break down once decay or damage is present on the tooth. Getting it fixed as soon as possible is the only way to save the tooth from requiring more extreme treatment.

When teeth are too far gone and can not be saved by simply filling a cavity, the most common treatment will be a root canal and a crown. Some cases may involve just a crown to be placed on the tooth or a veneer, but in the majority of cases dentists prefer to use Dental Crown Aurora due to their durability. Veneers are usually reserved for cosmetic fixes, since they only cover a portion of the tooth versus a crown covering the entirety of the tooth above the gum line. Crowns are typically made of the same porcelain that veneers are made of, but can also come in metal as well.

Whether the tooth is simply repaired with dental cement, or a root canal is done and the tooth rebuilt with dental cement, the crown will be the next step in the treatment. The dental cement is essential for giving Dental Crowns in Reno NV something to attach to. The tooth will be reshaped using a dentist’s drill, and the dental cement will be used to shape the tooth to hold the crown better. In cases where a root canal are done, the roots will be filled with dental cement as well. Cases that do not involve root canals will still involve reshaping the tooth, but the dentist will rely on the remaining tooth and the dental cement for the crown to attach to. Visit the website of a reputable dental practice for more information on treatments that involve crowns.

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