A Guide to Straightening Teeth Without Metal Braces in Bloomingdale

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Dental

Some time back, orthodontic treatment meant one thing; getting metal braces. But things have changed, and there are now a dozen ways to straighten your teeth without using metal braces. An orthodontist in Bloomingdale can guide you through the available teeth straightening options, but let’s have an overview of the most common teeth straightening treatments that don’t require you to wear metal braces.

Many people seek orthodontic treatment for aesthetic reasons. But it’s important to know that orthodontic treatment serves more than cosmetic purposes. When you have well-aligned teeth, it makes it easier for you to clean them, thus reducing your chances of both tooth decay and gum disease. If you are looking for an alternative orthodontic treatment to metal braces, you may consider the following:

Lingual Braces

An orthodontist in Bloomingdale may also recommend lingual braces for people with severely misaligned teeth. They function as the traditional metal braces. The only difference is that they are bonded at the back of the teeth instead of the front. Lingual braces are an incredibly effective choice for straightening teeth, but they are more expensive and harder to fix than the traditional braces.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners such as Invisalign are a popular choice for adults looking to undergo orthodontic treatment. They are popular among adults because they are subtle, removable, and they customized to look like your natural teeth. Clear aligners are a simple yet effective orthodontic treatment for adults.

If you are looking for an alternative tooth straightening treatment, you may consider consulting with orthodontic experts at Pure Dental Spa. Visit their website to schedule an appointment and discuss what orthodontic treatment is right for you.

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